Prayer Resources
Prayer is both an individual and a corporate activity. In other words, there are times we pray alone and other times in which we come together to pray. Both are important: if we only pray alone we are tempted to get caught up praying only for our needs and selfish desires; if we only pray together our opportunities can be few and far between.
The good news is that there is no single perfect way to pray, and wherever you start God will lead you deeper into His heart if you will allow Him.
Listed here are some prayer resources recommended by the ICCEC to help you grow and mature in your life of prayer. Click on the title of a resource to navigate to its webpage.
The purpose of prayer is to establish and maintain a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, the creator of the universe and the author and finisher of our faith. A good, simple pattern is to:
Acknowledge Him for who He is
Confess the ways in which you have failed Him and ask forgiveness
Thank Him for all you've been given
Ask for His help and provision in your life and the lives of others
To begin, start with 7 minutes. 5 minutes is a bit short, and 10 may be a bit long at first. Are you willing to take seven minutes every morning - seven days out of seven? Ask God to help you. The 7 minutes include:
​A half minute seeking guidance
Four minutes reading the Bible
Two and a half minutes praying
Individual Morning Prayer – with Scriptures specific to the current day
This is the daily Morning Prayer service from the Book of Common Prayer, 1979 edition, adapted for individual use. It also provides a button for activating an audio screen reader if desired.
Individual Evening Prayer – with Scriptures specific to the current day
This is the daily Evening Prayer service from the Book of Common Prayer, 1979 edition, also adapted for individual use but with some responsive sections. It does not include an audio screen reader.
Let's Pray Together
Praying together is an important facet of the Christian life, whether physically together, simultaneously connected by technology, or praying in unity in different times and places.