What's been happening?
Along with everyone else in the UK, we've been impacted by covid during the last year and a half. Some activities were suspended, and some of those have been resumed. We've had to find new ways of ministering within our parish, and to our community as well. We'd love to share some of our experiences with you, and invite you to read on....
Good news for and from God's people
Dominos of obedience
22 December 2021 - This past Sunday, one day after our Christmas party and packing gift bags for street persons, obedience to the Holy Spirit's prompting bore fruit!
Walking from Woodford station George met one of our town's regular street persons and invited him to church - and he came! He sat near George during Mass, although he often felt the need to get up and walk around in the back of the church (this could be due to a number of causes). He wasn't disruptive at all, and remained through the homily and the prayers of the people.
At the passing of the peace I anointed him for healing and we prayed over him for several minutes as tears flowed down his cheeks. When we finished we gave him one of the gift bags. He was truly grateful both for the prayers and the bag, and left at that point while we continued with the Eucharist.
Please be praying for James. God is working in him, and may provide more opportunities for us to minister into his life. This is just the firstfruits of what God wants to accomplish through St. Stephen CEC!
Non nobis Domine!
“Not to us, O Lord; not to us, but to Your Name give glory.” – Psalm 115:1
Fr. Dana's covid testimony
Thank you all for your prayers. I am grateful to have survived Covid-19! There are many greater than I who did not, and my heart hurts for their families.
After testing positive I put myself to bed, and my wife gave me the usual therapies. Five days into isolation I felt the Holy Spirit urging me to get up and move about. I was shocked to discover my energy level had dropped by at least half! Even when resting, my body was losing energy. Covid interfered with my thinking: ideas were hard to hang on to; my mind would be heading down one track and suddenly end up somewhere completely different. It was a challenge to encourage myself with the Word.
But through it all my testimony is the marvelous presence of Christ! While struggling with the smallest thoughts and frustrations, Jesus was there. While suffering with pain and sleeplessness in the dark hours of the night, Jesus was there. And through the Holy Spirit, Jesus was pushing me to act beyond my energy or desire. With loving patience He revealed the enemy’s deceiving voice, that sinister tug to “just lie down a bit, it’s all too much, rest, sleep, don’t fight…”. Had I followed that path my ability to return to full vitality would have been at serious risk. But Christ the risen Lord was with me: His grip on my hand was stronger and more faithful than my grip on His. He alone brought me through. Thanks be to God!
Serving a local foodbank
Since 2016 St. Stephen CEC has supported Redbridge Foodbank in their efforts to provide food, toiletries, and other ministry to the poor of our borough. We have raised funds through Christmas hamper raffles; donated material goods to the foodbank; served as volunteers in weighing, sorting, packing, and distributing items; and provided counseling and signposting to other ministries and agencies.
For several years Fr. Dana has been serving as an Foodbank Ambassador making Christ-based presentations in schools and businesses to encourage support of this ministry. This ministry has continued during Covid, as the need for assistance has multiplied greatly.
"If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, 'Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,' but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead." (James 2:15-17)
Making visible the void
01 September 2021 (Fr. Dana) - I was riding in the upper level of a red double-decker London bus this afternoon, returning from taking Communion to one of our parishioners. A woman sitting two rows ahead of me stood up and started down the stairs as we approached her stop, but when she glanced toward me she suddenly began crying. She returned to her seat and rode one stop further, which was the end of the line. She once more stood to leave, and as others followed her I rose and descended the stairs. When I exited the bus she was waiting for me a few metres away.
As we stepped aside she apologized, but I assured her it was God's doing. She was extremely concerned about her daughter who's in a manipulative relationship, even wondering if she should contact the police. I asked if I could pray for her and her daughter, and of course she said yes.
We prayed, standing on the pavement near the bus stop, tourists posing for photos all around us. Among other things I prayed protection for her daughter, discernment and wisdom for her, and a breaking of all ungodly influences in the daughter's relationship.
After prayer and further conversation she walked away smiling, confident that Jesus was in the midst of the situation and would provide for her and her daughter. We were both grateful for the One who loves us so much as to give what we need before we even ask ... and it was all triggered by one brief glance at my priest's collar.
God is making His presence known in the lives of people all around you and me. Pray for them, and pray for wisdom to see them and help them as the Holy Spirit leads.
Thoughts small and great....
Food for thought and prayer ... and sometimes perhaps a bone of contention upon which to chew.
Diocesan honours & our heartfelt thanks
Bp. Elmer Belmonte has awarded two of our parishioners for their "extraordinary work and support to build God's kingdom". Elena Berdos and George Monteflor have been awarded Diocesan Honors for their faithful service to St. Stephen CEC during the 18 months of covid lockdown and recovery.
Elena Berdos
St. Stephen was required to suspend public celebration of the Mass during lockdown, yet whenever we met Elena was almost always present and on time. She consistently arrived early to help set up and disinfect, operated the projection system for the Mass, and remained behind afterward to tear down and disinfect once more. She has hosted a small fellowship meal in her residence (when allowed by government guidelines) and has consistently provided fresh altar linens. Elena always has a smile on her face, eager to help out.
George Monteflor
Although family and employment responsibilities (and testing positive for covid at one point) have prevented him from regular attendance, George has stepped forward to meet both usual and unusual needs on more than one occasion. He has arranged overnight camping activities for the parish, served as the primary cook for a number of church activities, helped the church move materials when we needed to relocate our venue for Sunday Mass, assisted in arranging lectors, and generally served as an acolyte when available. George is often sharing ideas as to how we can evangelise more effectively.
These two have enabled St. Stephen CEC to continue functioning during this challenging period, and we are very grateful for their service. May God continue to bless the works of your hands, Elena and George!